i'm trying to find a free download of the full version of Postal 2 : Share The Pain, and all that come up on my searches are demos or multi-player(which i have now) but i just want postal 2, and not even the torrents i've been trying aren't uploading, and all the places for it to be able to be downloaded it costs (like $30, and i don't have that kinda money)
can anybody help me, like give me a site to find it on or something?
hahaha, DUDE! I JUST deleted this from my computer!!
Try mininova.org, or if that doesn't work, piratebay is the place to go.
You're using bittorrent, right?
actually, i got one ordered from RWS
they're actually cheaper there than on Amazon.com
and i downloaded all the expansions (Apocalypse Weekend, A Week In Paradise, etc.) so I should be getting it either today or tomorrow....
yea i am, and most of the things i get on there don't download all the way, like wtf?
i've been playing Postal 2 : Multiplayer Version for less than a week, and I betcha I can whip anybody's ass at it with out dying ONCE