Okay, after many struggling attempts of finding "the real me", I did
me and my friend were going to Doubledate with our gfs, and he suggested I should "Dress Normally"
At first I laughed at him, but then he told me to wear some of his stuff, and you know I looked pretty damn good
So we go to the movies, and a whole lotta people are there, some from school, and they all started to actually talk to me
The ones I hated so badly, they actually started talking with me
They said they were sorry for all the other times they made me miserable. I found out that there was a whole other world out there, besides all that "I must be Emo" and "Goth" stuff
Girls actually started hitting on me, and girls I never met before started saying I was hott
Last night I actually found myself, and you know, I kinda like it
This song defiantly describes me now
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Goth is not a fashion statement.
Your clothes do not decide who you are.
Wearing lots of black and studs does not make you emo or dark.